Results for Weekend 5-23-10

Congratulations to all our runners who raced this weekend!


Run for the Animals 5k

Liz Jones is 2nd on a very hilly course with 21:47
Nice job!


Columbia Triathlon

Erica Nemmers in 2:37:21

Swim    Trn1 Trans Bike Bike    Bike Cum  Cum      Trn2 Trans Run  Run     Pace 
Time    Plc   #1   Plc  Time    Rate Plc  Time     Plc   #2   Plc  Time    /mile
28:44  264  4:14   32 1:16:43  19.9   63 1:49:40  225  2:13   26   45:29  7:20

Angela Stewart in 2:53:22

Swim    Trn1 Trans Bike Bike    Bike Cum  Cum      Trn2 Trans Run  Run     Pace 
Time    Plc   #1   Plc  Time    Rate Plc  Time     Plc   #2   Plc  Time    /mile
34:00  141  3:21  116 1:25:05  17.9  172 2:02:25  185  2:02   53   48:56  7:53
Catherine Crow in 2:54:14
Swim    Trn1 Trans Bike Bike    Bike Cum  Cum      Trn2 Trans Run  Run     Pace 
Time    Plc   #1   Plc  Time    Rate Plc  Time     Plc   #2   Plc  Time    /mile
28:13  139  3:20  150 1:28:13  17.3  136 1:59:45  126  1:47  111   52:44  8:30

Kerry O’Brien in 3:03:48

Swim    Trn1 Trans Bike Bike    Bike Cum  Cum      Trn2 Trans Run  Run     Pace 
Time    Plc   #1   Plc  Time    Rate Plc  Time     Plc   #2   Plc  Time    /mile
31:17  187  3:41  246 1:33:08  16.4  233 2:08:05  380  3:11  107   52:33  8:28

Nice job everyone!!




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