Sharon Snyder was the overall winner of the Prince George’s Women’s Distance Festival 5k in 20:56. Jade Graham was 2nd overall female (and 10th overall finisher) at the Martha Moats Baker 60km+ trail run in 10:56:00. Travis Graham also ran 10:56:00 (tied for 10th overall). The best I can figure, the way that this race works is somebody says “Go!” and then you have to find your way around a bunch of trails in Jefferson National Forest for about 38 miles. From the race website: “For the 2023 run, there will not be any run-specific markings put out on the course, other than some into and back out of the first aid station at Reddish Knob. Even if there were markings, doing this run without a thorough understanding of the course and/or a waterproof copy of the turnsheet and the map is foolhardy. Don’t be that guy – that lost guy”. The race had 39 starters and only 25 finishers. No word on whether the 14 DNFs were ever actually found. Congrats to Sharon, Jade and Travis!