
Love Rox Half Marathon
Photos from Commonwealth Timing
This Inaugural race had MANY hiccups, including course misdirection resulting in some runners running >13 miles and some running 10 miles

Great Job in a Poorly Organized Race Runners!
Ann Battle is 3rd OAF in 1:30:43

Jesse Gordon is 1st in AG in 1:31:14

Jessica Boucher is 5th in AG in 1:41:59

Patricia Ferarro is 3rd in AG in 1:43:36

Elizabeth Clor is 3rd in AG in 1:43:39


Daytona Beach Half Marathon
Race Photos at SportsPhoto

Great Job!
Maria Sherwell is 2nd in AG in 1:40:33
Skip Josin in 1:52:40


A1A Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon
Photos @ Marathonfoto

Way to Go!
Jessica Karazsia PR’s in 1:41:23
Janet Braunstein in 1:43:43
Jon Taillon runs his first race since surgery in 1:47:14


Austin Half Marathon
Photos @ Marathonfoto

Fantastic Job!
David Barr PR’s in 1:24:09


George Washington Birthday 10k

Great Job!
Erin Taylor is 3rd OAF in 37:49
Greg Richards in 38:13
Heather Jelen is 1st in AG in 39:39
Jillian Pollack is 2nd in AG in 40:03
Cris Burbach is 3rd in AG in 40:24
Heather Chapman in 44:51
Cheryl Young 3rd in AG in 45:21
Allison Rainey in 46:03
Jamie Burket in 48:55


Lost Dutchman Half Marathon
Photos by Action Sports Images

Way to Go!
Marcy Maple in 1:41:10


13.1 with Donna Half Marathon
Photos by Sportphoto

Great Job!
Daryle Lademan in 1:38:22


George Washington Marathon Relay

Anne Duffy Runs the Relay with friends!



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